How To Protect Children When COVID-19 Strikes Repeatedly?

How To Protect Children When COVID-19 Strikes Repeatedly

The current situation of COVID-19 prevention and control is severe and complex.

Children are vulnerable groups, it is very important to do a good job of scientific protection.

· Masks ·

Children wear and remove masks in the same way as adults. 

To wear the mask correctly, make sure the mask covers the mouth, nose and chin, and the nose clip is compacted.

However, children’s faces are relatively small, especially young children. Parents must buy children’s special masks suitable for children to wear, and never use adult masks instead.

It is mentioned in the “Children’s Mask Technical Specifications”:

Considering the imperfect development of the respiratory system of children under 3 years old, the applicable age of children’s masks is defined as children between 3 and 14 years old, and they are divided into children’s protective masks (F) and children’s hygienic masks (W) according to the function and usage scenarios of the masks.

According to the head and face size of children of different ages, it is divided into large (L), medium (M) and small (S).

Children at different ages were divided into 36 months and older (3+) and 6 years old and older (6+) according to the respiratory tidal volume and respiratory resistance.

Children may feel that wearing a mask is difficult to breathe, and they may also have a fear of wearing a mask. 

Parents should lead by example to wear masks and be more patient. They can persuade children to wear masks by telling stories and wearing masks for toys, so as to reduce children’s resistance to wearing masks.

· Psychology ·

◆Parents should take the initiative to learn scientific knowledge of epidemic prevention, adjust their emotions, maintain a stable state of mind, accompany and communicate with their children more. 

Tell COVID-19 information and COVID-19 prevention knowledge through examples, storytelling and other methods suitable for children.

By the way, parents should guide their children to study independently, live a regular life, and arrange exercise or activities appropriately.

· Sports ·

◆ Children mainly exercise at home and exercise in accordance with the principles of safety, science, moderation and variety. 

In addition, children should not watch TV or play with electronic products for a long time at home.

◆ Children should exercise moderately, mainly at low-medium intensity, slightly sweaty, and pay attention to rest after exercise. 

It is recommended to do 15 to 20 minutes of home exercise in the morning, afternoon and evening.

◆ Children mainly focus on agility, flexibility, coordination and balance exercises, and teenagers can add speed and cardio-respiratory endurance exercises.

How To Protect Children When COVID-19 Strikes Repeatedly 2

How to protect "little baby" scientifically?

01 Children under the age of 1 are not suitable to wear masks

Wearing a mask on a baby who is too young can easily cause breathing difficulties and suffocation, which is not conducive to observing the child’s condition.

“Little babies” are mainly passive protection.

02 Caregivers should wear a mask, do not sneeze at the child, and exhale.

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your arm if you cough and sneeze. Wash your hands frequently.

03 Do not share utensils with children, feed children, do not blow food with your mouth, and do not try or chew food with your mouth before feeding it to children.

How To Protect Children When COVID-19 Strikes Repeatedly 4

04 Children’s belongings, toys and tableware must be disinfected regularly, including mobile phones and keys.

05 Minimize children going out, especially in public places and closed spaces. Try not to take public transportation, and keep a certain distance from other people, at least 1 meter or more.

06 Be sure to keep your hands hygienic before playing with or holding your child, wash your hands frequently, and change your clothes when you go home.

07 Regular ventilation at home, generally 2-3 times a day, about 20-30 minutes each time. Move child out of ventilated room when ventilating.

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08 If parents have respiratory infections or other symptoms, they must not forget to wear masks and do proper home isolation.

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